Castle Report

The Castle Report

Defending Western Civilization The Castle Report
  • Making Wars Worse for All Mankind
    Darrell Castle talks about the foreign aid bill recently passed by congress and signed by the president. Transcription / Notes MAKING WARS WORSE FOR ALL MANKIND Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 3rd day of May in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the foreign aid bill recently passed by congress and signed by the president. My take is that its intent is both destabilizing and most of all hypocritical. In other words, it will not deliver what it has promised and it will do far more harm than good. My beat today is war once again but along with war comes many other things such as larceny, corruption, deception, and most of all hypocrisy. The foreign aid bill recently passed is my starting point so what was in that bill and what did the president tell us it would accomplish. The president in his own words described what the bill would do. “It’s a good day for America, it’s a good day for Europe and it’s a good day for world peace. It’s going to make America safer; it’s going to make the world safer and continues America’s leadership in the world and everyone knows it. We are going to begin sending equipment to Ukraine for air defense munitions, for artillery, for rocket systems and armored vehicles.” The president’s words were complete nonsense and except for what would be sent, not a single word was true. Let’s look at what is actually in this roughly $95 billion of additional U.S. debt. Keep in mind that the bill contains no offsets so the entire amount goes right on the bottom line as debt. I have mentioned before that the U.S. has no money to give away, only debt, so future generations will pay interest on the “gift” for as long as the U.S. continues to exist. The aid package includes $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, $8.1 billion for Taiwan and other Indo Pacific allies, and $9.1 billion in “humanitarian aid to Gaza. Yes, you heard that right the U.S. through its debt, will fund both sides of the Israel-Gaza war just to make it worse. The humanitarian aid to Gaza highlights the total and complete hypocrisy of the whole thing. Officially the aid packages is entitled “Migration and Refugee Assistance” and “International Disaster Assistance.” The amount going to Gaza is so huge that it amounts to more than four times the annual GDP of the entire Gaza Strip. So, Gaza will soon be swimming in American money. The money is also on top of the $10 billion given to Gaza’s proxy boss, Iran, last year. Gaza is completely controlled by Hamas, which launched the October 7, 2023, attacks which began the war. I’ve seen estimates that only about 20% of humanitarian aid makes it past the hands of Hamas terrorists. Just to reiterate, the U.S. is giving more than $26 billion for Israel’s defense against the same people the U.S. is giving more than $9 billion to. It’s more than a cliché to say that that the U.S. never met a war it could not make worse. Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America summed it up: “Biden and this administration knows that almost all of it, that is, the aid, is stolen by Hamas. That leads to an inescapable conclusion: We are funding Hamas. Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with $9 billion. What is wrong with this administration?” What it really means is that U.S. taxpayers and their progeny will be taxed to provide for the upkeep of terrorists in Gaza under the guise of humanitarian aid. That money along with the $10 billion of sanctions relief provided to Iran should fuel Jihadi terrorism in the Middle East and around the world for years to come. This bill was completely bipartisan and you know what that means when the evil and stupid parties come together for bipartisanship. Yes, it means it is both evil and stupid. Speaker of the house, Mike Johnson said “Israel’s very survival is at stake.” Those clever Israelis don’t seem all that worried about it because they...
  • DON’T
    Darrell Castle talks about the recent attacks by Iran against Israel and discusses the growing violence with an emphasis on the Israeli decision of whether to retaliate again and if so how. Transcription / Notes DON’T Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 19th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the recent attacks by Iran against Israel and discussing the growing violence with an emphasis on the Israeli decision of whether to retaliate again and if so how. Yes, my beat is war this week and there is no shortage of war to talk about. The powers that be love their wars and so they tend to make them happen. There are other issues, of course, like the criminal trial of Donald Trump by George Soros funded proxies in New York City, but war trumps everything, no pun intended. I will also take this introductory paragraph to remind you that there will be no Castle Report next week since I will be attending the Constitution Party National Convention. If you are there look me up, I would love to talk with you. I also remind you that yesterday, the 18th of April was the 82nd anniversary of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities. The 80 men who took part are all dead now, but I take this moment to honor their act of courage and sacrifice. Yes folks, I know this news must be shocking to you but there’s war in the Middle East. President Biden did his best to stop it with one word but it hasn’t worked so far. However, his word serves as the title of this Castle Report. Don’t was the one-word warning given by the President of the United States regarding whether Iran would attack Israel. I suppose that word was meant to convey the message that the president is a tough guy and not someone to be trifled with. The Iranians apparently did not get the message because over last weekend they launched hundreds of attack drones and cruise missiles against Israel.  The Iranians said the attack was in retaliation and a “punishment” for the Israeli attack of April 1 against the Iranian Consulate in Damascus Syria which killed 7 Iranians including two general officers. The Israelis said that attack was in response to the October 7, 2023, attack by the Iranian proxy group, Hamas, against Israel in which some 1400 Israelis died. It seems that one Middle East country or another is retaliating for something just about every day of the week. The nations of the Middle East seem to be run by people who can never forget anything so consider these examples for a moment.  1953, the CIA and British Mi6 helped Iranian royalists depose the elected Iranian president, Mossadegh in a military coup code named Operation Ajax, like the cleaner. The Shah was allowed to extend his power and ruled as absolute monarch for more than two decades until the Iranian Revolution in 1979 in which Ayatollah Khomeini was reinstalled as leader. You probably remember the hostage crises resulting from all that intrigue, but the point is this was all about regime change in Iran to a regime more suitable to the U.S. and I think that is still the case. When the U.S. signed the Algiers Accords ending the hostage crises it agreed to never again participate in regime change against whatever regime ruled Iran. The Mullahs have been clinging tenaciously to power ever since constantly retaliating for one thing or another. The most recent attack against Israel was retaliation for the April 1 attack against the Iranian Damascus Consulate as I said, but also for the January 3, 2020, killing in Baghdad of General Qusem Soleimani. The general was a very important Iranian leader and a beloved figure in Iran. That attack was conducted by the U.S. and was reportedly personally signed off on by President Trump. Was it ordered by Israel? I’m sure the Iranians think it was, and so we continue in an endless cycle of retaliation and violence. Where will it all lead or what will happen next beca...
  • Desperation in Ukraine
    Darrell Castle talks about the war in Ukraine and how the NATO forces opposing Russia are growing increasingly desperate as Russia continues to grind down the Ukrainian military. Transcription / Notes DESPERATION IN UKRAINE Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 12th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the war in Ukraine and how the NATO forces opposing Russia are growing increasingly desperate as Russia continues to grind down the Ukrainian military. The state of the war is becoming obvious and hard to ignore to all but the most ardent anti-Russia types. My beat is war again and this time it’s a war that is all but forgotten with the war in Gaza starting to take Ukraine from the minds of the media. The increasing desperation is evidenced by the threats of French President Emmanuel Macron to send French troops to Ukraine. The Russians, in response, said that French troops would become priority targets if they entered Ukraine. These French troops would be independent of NATO, but that would still put the U.S. on a dangerous path that could lead ultimately to nuclear war. It should be obvious to any rational person that Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons and if Russian backs are against the wall by NATO on its border would use them. Unfortunately, it appears that there are a lot of irrational people running foreign policy in the U.S. and other NATO countries. Things could and probably would escalate quickly if Macron sent French troops to Russia’s border. The vice president of the Russian Duma which is the equivalent of Congress or parliament is Pyotr Tolstoy, a descendent of the great Russian, Leo Tolstoy. He warned that it would take only two minutes to nuke Paris. The Russian air force is becoming more and more active in Ukraine because Ukraine’s air defense system has been degraded by the war so, in response, NATO says it will step up the schedule for delivery of F-16’s. I’ve mentioned before when the F-16 decision was first announced that Ukrainian airfields cannot accommodate those aircraft. They would, therefore, need bases outside Ukraine in NATO countries and Putin has warned that those bases would be legitimate targets. Russia has hypersonic missiles that are extremely difficult to defend and that would, of course, require a NATO retaliatory response. Where would all that madness lead, I wonder. The listed reason for all this escalation is that Russia poses some existential threat to NATO and/or Europe but that premise is clearly absurd. The U.S. has already caused severe damage to the economies of most European countries, especially Germany by destroying the Nord Stream Pipeline, so who is the bigger threat to Europe. Isn’t that destruction a message that says obey me or else. The reason I say that the idea that Russia could invade other countries in Europe is absurd is that Russia has nothing to gain by it. The Russian military has struggled for more than two years to occupy a small territory on its border with Ukraine. Why would Putin want to trigger an Article 5 NATO response when none of those countries can do anything for him and would put him on a fast track to nuclear war. Sometimes people point out that Putin once said, “whoever doesn’t miss the Soviet Union doesn’t have a heart.” They conveniently leave out the rest of the sentence which was, whoever wants it back doesn’t have a brain.” He has a brain and he has no intention to restore the Soviet Union. Russia does, however, have strategic interests like any great power. Ukraine, and especially Crimea, have always been strategic interests of the most vital sort to Russia. So, Washington says that Ukraine is a free and independent nation and can join NATO anytime it wants and doesn’t need Russian permission to do so even though it is on Russia’s border. The U.S. is free to declare the entire Western Hemisphere off limits by way of the Monroe doctrine whi...
1999: Name changed to “Constitution Party” by delegates at the National Convention to better reflect the party’s primary focus of returning government to the U.S. Constitution’s provisions and limitations.


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