Castle Report

The Castle Report

Defending Western Civilization The Castle Report
  • Criminal Negligence or Intentional Act?
    Darrell Castle talks about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donal Trump. Transcription / Notes CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE OR INTENTIONAL ACT Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donald Trump in two months. The question that should be answered is, was this latest attempt just criminal negligence on the part of the federal government and its various agencies or was it an intentional act. When I look at what happened this time I can’t help but wonder what is going on here with this political party in charge of our government. The same political party that tells us Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and a threat to America. Was this an amazing coincidence or could people inside the federal government and its ruling elite be out to stop Donald Trump at any price. The two soft approaches that are available to a dissident’s enemies have already and are currently being tried. If the dissident politician has enough money to satisfy him so that money doesn’t tempt him, the next step is to publicly demonize him. Trump is usually referred to by any Democrat as a threat to democracy and a threat to America. He is a would-be dictator and if elected he would turn this glorious democracy into a dictatorship and end freedom forever. The other day I heard a lady interviewed on MSNBC who said that he is exactly the same as Hitler. I doubt that she has a good understanding of who Hitler was and what he did but nevertheless its obvious she has bought the propaganda hook line and sinker. Lawfare attacks are brought against the target at the same time he is being demonized. Lawfare is a take off on the word warfare meaning that the law and its power to criminalize and financially drain a person is used to put an end to a target politician’s career. A simple bookkeeping transaction is converted into 34 felony charges and a hand selected judge and jury complete the process. Guilty, the jury says but only after the judge instructed them as to what they should find. It’s a perversion of justice but since these neocon Democrats are morally correct anything they do is justified to achieve the goal of stopping Trump. So, it is incorrect to say the first two soft attacks didn’t work because they did work on many people, perhaps even 50% of the American people or close to that number, but they didn’t take their target out of the race. The only thing left then is the final solution and if you remember from history the final solution involves death, but that’s OK because the end is so noble it justifies any means. In the first assassination attempt the Secret Service was understaffed because the first lady was speaking at the same time in the same state so understaffed. It turns out that many of the agents assigned to Trump for that speech and rally were not Secret Service at all but agents reassigned temporarily from Homeland Security. In other words, they were not trained in high value target protection at least not much. It didn’t work because Trump, although wounded, survived the assassination attempt. Well, I guess if at first you don’t succeed try again. Please understand that the picture I just painted for you is nothing but speculation on my part and could possibly be completely false. There is an awful lot of smoke and an awful lot of coincidence and an awful lot of incompetence from people who are supposed to be the best in the world but I guess it’s at least possible that its all just a massive coincidence. Last Sunday, September 15, the former president and one of his close friends decided to go out for a casual afternoon of golf at the Trump International Golf Club. There was no problem getting a late notice tee time since he owns the club and the course. The Secret Service did not sweep and clear the entire course but instead they c...
  • Psychotic War Criminals Endorse Harris
    Darrell Castle talks about some of the people who have seen the light and decided to work for the election of Kamala Harris - Dick Cheney leading the way. Transcription / Notes PSYCHOTIC WAR CRIMINALS ENDORSE HARRIS Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 13th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about some of the people who have seen the light and decided to work for the election of Kamala Harris. Perhaps the worst and most disgusting, lying war criminal in American history, Dick Cheney and his designated successor, his daughter Liz went public with their endorsement of Kamala Harris. She must be so proud to have received such a ringing endorsement from such a gentleman as Dick Cheney. I know she is proud to have the endorsement because she said publicly that she was proud. No, on second thought she didn’t say she was proud and I don’t want to misquote her. She said she was “honored” to have Cheney’s endorsement. So, yay, the man we were calling literally Hitler a few years ago just endorsed us. What does that say about us, about me, well folks, I guess we’ll just call that irrelevant for now. Joe Biden, before he developed dementia, described Cheney as the most dangerous Vice President in US history. Now, when he was forced out of the race in a palace coup he left with his endorsement a woman who then acquired the endorsement of the very dangerous Dick Cheney. I’m just speculating here, but maybe Dick Cheney and Kamala Harris have found common ground as despised Vice Pressidents. So, the news is now out that Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz are working to elect Kamala Harris. This situation is the latest demonstration that Washington has become a separate country from America and we are therefore ruled by a foreign cabal that some call the deep state and some call the Uniparty. This cabal has one thing in common and that is a hatred and fear of anything that might threaten the power of the deep state and might just dismantle it. That explains the unnatural fear of Donald Trump and speaks well of him. The Democrats just a few years ago chided Republicans for their continued embrace of Cheney but now he was a guest of honor at their January 6th commemoration. Not all Democrats love Cheney though so I suppose a few still try to keep some honor. Left wing magazine said this about the new marriage. “Compared to Dick Cheney’s crimes against democracy, Trump is an amateur. Chaney reduced nations to rubble, shredded the Bill of Rights, and enacted programs of surveillance, abduction, detention, and torture more in line with the state terrorism of military dictatorships than the norms of liberal democracy.” Democrat author, Chip Gibbons; “Dick Cheney is an enemy of democracy in America and a war criminal. His warm reception on the floor of Congress by Democrats yesterday at the January 6 Capitol riot commemoration was shameful and disgusting.” Cheney did much of his destruction for money it appears. He supposedly made about $50 million from his Halliburton stock while America’s youth were killing and dying in the deserts of the Middle East, thus an article in The Atlantic called Remembering why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney: “The United States had concluded that Iraq, Libya, and Iran supported terrorism and had imposed strict sanctions on them. Yet during Cheney’s tenure at Halliburton the company did business in all three countries. In the case of Iraq, Halliburton legally evaded U.S. sanctions by conducting its oil-service business through foreign subsidiaries that had once been owned by Dresser. With Iran and Libya, Halliburton used its own subsidiaries. The use of foreign subsidiaries may have helped the company to avoid paying U.S. taxes.” The article went on to accuse Cheney of creating the surveillance state which set the stage for the Russiagate hoax and all the intelligence agency abuses that have been carried...
  • Speech Is a Priviledge to Kamala Harris
    Darrell Castle continues to discuss how important free speech is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words. Transcription / Notes SPEECH IS A PRIVILEDGE TO KAMALA HARRIS Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be continuing my discussion of free speech and how important it is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words. It seems that to Ms. Harris, as a faithful authoritarian, speech is something that has to be regulated and controlled by the federal government which she hopes to lead someday soon. I wonder if she has ever stopped to consider that when the government claims the authority to regulate speech it is no longer free. It seems that despite all the “joy” attached to her campaign by the media she is the same person she has always been. Most of her free speech attacks came long before the January 6th controversy which has been the Democrats lynchpin for why Donald Trump should not be allowed to speak freely. She was advocating that his speech be censored on social media back in 2019. Referring to social media sites, she said that there has to be a responsibility placed on them to understand their power. “They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop.” She went on, “There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power.” Translation, if they don’t police content to conform to government approved narratives, they will be shut down. I am certainly no social media expert, but I know that these sites don’t speak to millions, the users speak to each other and she wants that controlled by people like her. That statement and her attitude should send a chill down the spine of any American voter and should disqualify her from receiving a single vote for the office of President of the United States but unfortunately very few understand the Constitution anymore and even fewer still understand that it is the safeguard of American liberty. She is concerned that Facebook and Twitter, now X, have different operating standards. She said they can’t both have separate rules despite the fact that they are private companies. What she is talking about with the comparison is that since Elon Musk acquired Twitter it has started allowing its users to speak freely and is resisting efforts by the federal government and people like her to control and regulate what people say on the site.  Last week I talked about Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and how he admitted in a letter to congress that Facebook cooperated with the government in censoring the speech of the American people. He admitted to restricting the information people were allowed to see about COVID and allowing only the government’s version of information to be available. Facebook also suppressed truthful information about the Hunter Biden laptop story and led people to think that it was not truthful or real thus depriving voters of vital information. So, before Zuckerberg’s letter, she expressed dismay that Twitter is freedom while Facebook bends its knees to the government or Democrat Party line. They can’t have separate rules she said, but just think of the implications of that reasoning. She wants the federal government to be able to legally control the world’s largest flow of information so that only government approved speech is allowed.  I can’t understand how anyone could listen to that and not conclude that she is disqualified from the office she seeks. I will give her the courtesy of assuming that she herself is smart enough to understand the implications of what she said but maybe she isn’t. Let me ask you this folks,
1999: Name changed to “Constitution Party” by delegates at the National Convention to better reflect the party’s primary focus of returning government to the U.S. Constitution’s provisions and limitations.


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